Vendor Monitor 2.0

💪 Now available
Jay Gilden

UPDATE: Vendor Monitor 2.0 is now live with all of the planned functionality. Woohoo!

Vendor Monitor needs a facelift to bring out it's full potential. We need to add more permissions, groups and admin functionality. We need to boost reporting to provide super useful outputs. We need to bolster of vendor list (targeting 20,000 active vendors). We need to add stronger security features. We need to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of policy monitoring. We need to build everything so that it can easily integrate with our other products. This is a big project, but we're ready to take things up a notch!

2 years ago

Jay Gilden changed status to 💪 Now available

2 years ago

Jay Gilden

UPDATE: The build is progressing on schedule, and we anticipate that 2.0 will be ready for market within the next four weeks.

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Jay Gilden changed status to 🔨 Building

2 years ago

Vendor Monitor